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Minimizing Implicit (Unconscious) Bias

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$297 Every 1 year
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To counteract the historical legacy of systemic discrimination, we need to gently and compassionately consider our own roles in maintaining an unfair system. Not to blame, but to understand and connect to the problem so we can be part of the solution. This is where Implicit/Unconscious Bias training comes in. This interactive presentation unpacks implicit/unconscious bias, invites participants to consider their own biases and the ways biases manifest in an organization. Specific strategies are offered for minimizing bias on both the personal and organizational levels.

This interactive, engaging online training:

  • Explains how bias operates and why it is important to understand,
  • Provides an opportunity to uncover your own implicit/unconscious biases, 
  • Offers plenty of strategies for minimizing biases both at the individual and organizational levels
  • Provides a Certificate of Completion after finishing the training

The modules in the training offer activities and ask self-reflective questions you respond to before moving to the next module. You can go at your own pace – start whenever it is convenient, pause when needed, and continue later.